Samantha Candler Semper Stronger

Samantha Candler

Years as a Coach
People Helped

With consistency, small improvements add up to huge changes in the body, mind, and spirit.

Note: Consultation price will be applied towards the coaching package you choose

Schedule Your Consultation With Samantha

Samantha Candler - Fitness Expert & Enthusiast

Samantha Candler Semper Stronger

Hi, I'm Samantha. I'm glad you're here!

As a coach, I lead my clients to grow in strength, wellness, and self-confidence. With consistency, small improvements add up to huge changes in the body, mind, and spirit. The best part of coaching is seeing my clients grow in self-confidence and improve their whole self (physically, mentally, and emotionally) while achieving their aesthetic goals.

My Specialties:

Samantha signature Semper Stronger