Fired Up 5K
Fired Up 5k Cover

Run Your Fastest-Ever 5K Without Sacrificing Your Strength Or Muscle Mass

Running is pretty simple, right?

You pull on your sneakers, get your running playlist blasting through your earphones…
And put one foot in front of the other until you complete your usual loop.

It gets your heart racing and your blood pumping…
And checks off the “cardio” section of your training which you know is important, but we both know you’d rather be hitting weights.

Have you ever thought about what you’re actually achieving by running the same route a few times per week?
Are you faster, fitter, and less worn out than you were a few weeks ago?
Can you see improvements in your lifts in the gym as a result of your running?
And the bigger question here is…

Are you actually challenging yourself to improve?

This is no different from trying to lift heavier or do more reps in the gym.
If you’re not challenging yourself you’ll start finding every excuse under the sun to skip your run.
And trust us, your performance in the gym will suffer as a result.

Fixing this is simple.

You’ve got to program your running the same way you program your weights.
And don’t worry.

You don’t have to go hunting high and low for a running program that will over-complicate every stride you take.

We’ve got you covered.

With a simple but effective running program…

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Here's what you get

8 weeks of effective training making you faster week over week.
3 workouts every week to keep you training consistently without hindering your strength training progress
Easy-to-follow warm up videos and exercise video demonstrations to show you the proper form of each movement, prevent injury, and help you progress more quickly.
Semper Stronger App access to house your program, log your progress, and track your data.

Here's Coach Sam


“I don’t consider myself a runner. I lift heavy weights most days. My fiancé loves to run and asked me to do a 5K with her. I needed to get in running shape but didn’t want to lose my gains. A friend recommended this program, and I’m glad he did!

It is exactly as advertised. As I’m writing this review, I’m on my 7th week of the program, and not only am I ready for the 5K race, I’m enjoying running.”



Some of the best running programming I’ve seen. I’m becoming a very strong runner because of this program.

Great app! Easy to follow instructions, and demonstration videos, which I love.

Thank you, Semper Stronger.”


High School Teacher
Samantha Candler - Semper Stronger

Developed By Coach Sam

Through customized running programs, on-screen treadmill classes, group running classes, and personal training, Sam has coached thousands of runners towards achieving massive goals.

She believes the 5K is the perfect racing distance, combining speed and endurance, and loves that the training fits right in with her strength programming.

It’s a lifestyle, after all.

She has proven time and time again that an athlete can get stronger AND faster at the same time, and is so excited for you to live this reality too.


How long do the workouts take?

Workouts take 30-40 minutes

What equipment do I need?

All you'll need is running shoes.

How many workouts are scheduled per week?

There are 3 scheduled workouts each week.

How many sets and reps should I do?

Sets and reps are prescribed for each workout with detailed instructions.

Can I start any time, or do I have to start on a specific day?

The program will start on the day of purchase.

What if I have an injury or limitations?

If you are currently experiencing any injuries or pain, it is recommended that you consult with a doctor or healthcare practitioner before beginning any exercise program.

How long will I have access to the program?

If you purchase the program as a one-off, you’ll be able to access it within the app for 4 months from the date of purchase.
If you’re a Semper Stronger member, you’ll have access for the duration of your membership.
Go here to check out our membership options.

Are you ready to get started?