Are You Standing In Your Own Way?

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Self-Sabotage You’ve been training and staying clean with your nutrition for weeks. Everything is clicking. You feel great. You feel motivated. Until…wait…what happened? You have one bad day. Then another. Now you’re back sliding. Nothing is working. Nothing is going right. Ahhh screw it…you knew it was too good to be true. Where’s the ice […]

Zone 2 Versus Zone 5 Training

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What are they and how much do you really need? You may have heard about the importance of Zone 2 and Zone 5 training for health and fitness. But what are these new buzz words? And how much do we really need? Read on! Zone 2 Zone 2 training is just a new term for […]

Seated Breath Work and Mobility 1

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Very often, we are told to breathe, but not HOW TO BREATHE. In the first of these series of seated breath-work and mobility follow-alongs, I want to start off with diaphragmatic breathing as a means of releasing tension and therefore stress. Very often, in times of stress (work, personal, home…stress is stress), we may find […]

How To Succeed In Your Fitness Journey

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All too often, I hear stories of discouraged people who feel they are spinning their wheels with their fitness efforts – not making progress and losing faith in the process. When this happens, it’s inevitable that their efforts slow to a halt. If you’re giving it your best and still going nowhere – or even […]

Training Your Proprioceptors

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Semper Stronger truly embodies the concept of strong for life and I am sure that is one of the many appealing characteristics of our community that drew you in. But did you know that physical training is more than just training your muscles? You are also training your proprioceptors! Proprioception is the body’s awareness of […]

How I Afford Coaching

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Even coaches need a coach to be better. Just like hairdressers use someone else to cut their own hair. And financial planners use another planner to handle their own money. We are all too close to our own lives to be objective about what we need. Plus, no one knows EVERYTHING. The smartest among us […]