Rebecca Rouse

co-founder / head coach

As the founder of Semper Stronger, I strive to empower people to build physical and mental strength so that they can overcome life's challenges with confidence.

Joel Del Rosario

co-founder / coach

As a Marine and with Semper Stronger, my personal mission is the same. I aim to provide my team with the resources to help them be the best versions of themselves. 

Candace Lindenzweig

administrative assistant

Because of Semper Stronger, I've been able to achieve so many of my strength goals. It's an honor, for me, to help you reach yours.

Sam Candler

Semper Stronger Coach

The best part of coaching is seeing my clients grow in self-confidence and improve their whole self (physically, mentally, and emotionally) while achieving their aesthetic goals.

Chef Brett Smith

Nutrition Coach

As a nutrition coach, chef, and kettlebell enthusiast, I want to help you understand how food can work for you, not against you, to gain muscle, lose fat, and perform strong.

Chris & Gillian

email marketing Team

We are responsible for communicating the message and mission of Semper Stronger directly to your inbox. We take enormous pride in being able to share the Semper Stronger way with the ever-growing community Rebecca and Joel have worked so hard to build.

Britney Warwick

social media Manager

As the social media manager, I aim to provide new and existing members with quality and educational resources to help further the mission of Semper Stronger of building a fitness community dedicated to improving physical, mental, and emotional strength.

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